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ms_purrfect Chatroom

Headline: Ms_Purrfect

Username: ms_purrfect (MyFreeCams : ms_purrfect MFC)

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Facial Features: Always Different Hair, Hazel Eyes

Age: 34 Years Old

Occupation: webcam

Habits: Non Smoker, Non Drinker, Never Done Drugs

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Status: Single

Weight/Height: 56 kilos, 166 centimeters

Body Type: Slim/Petite

Country: Russian Federation

Tags: sexy perky tits gape anal big ass dp squirt big dildo

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Alternate Names: ms_purrfect Camgirls, ms_purrfect Cams, ms_purrfect Cam Girls, ms_purrfect Camgirl, ms_purrfect Videos, ms_purrfect Webcam, ms_purrfect Cam Girl, ms_purrfect MyFreeCam

ms_purrfect: Caucasian Female, 34 y/o, Straight, Always Different Hair, Hazel Eyes, Non Smoker, Non Drinker, Never Done Drugs, Single, from Russian Federation.







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